Saturday 8 March 2008

It's all true. Or is it?

We live in an age of science - an age of reason. We don't believe in angels or demons, or anything else 'supernatural'. We believe we have outgrown such childish fables. We believe we know the truth.

But, as I have found, some of the 'truths' which are taken for granted and passed down from generation to generation aren't true. They are old wives' tales. They are myths. And sometimes they are lies. These 'truths' are told by the ignorant, and those who should know better.

Here is a list of these 'truths', and each one has a link for those who continue to believe in them:

Reading in poor light can damage your eyes. True?
A duck's quack doesn't echo. True?
Moths eat clothes and mothballs keep them away. True?
On average people swallow five spiders per year in their sleep. True?
Science has proved the it is aerodynamically impossible for a bumblebees to fly. True?
Honey is healthier than sugar. True?
Spinach contains large amounts of iron. True?
Over the counter cough medicines work. True?
Vitamin C can prevent and cure colds. True?
Caligula promoted his horse to consul. True?
Nero fiddled while rome burned. True?
The Titanic was described by her owners as 'unsinkable'.
The Mary Celeste was found abandoned in mysterious circumstances. True?
"Ring-a-ring-o'roses" is about the Black Plague. True?
The Hindenburg exploded due to hydrogen combustion. True?
Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake" True?
The modern toilet was invented by Thomas Crapper. True?
Newton discovered the law of gravity when an apple fell on his head. True?
Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb. True
Bats are blind. True?

Most, if not all, of these 'truths' are believed by people in the same way that they believe that the earth goes around the sun.

Perhaps these stories fail to go away because myths and fables are part of who we are as a species?

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