Saturday 29 August 2009

Numerology for beginners

In numerology each number is assockated with a concept or set of concepts:

0 - The Universe.
1 - Unity.
2 - Balance.
3 - Interaction.
4 - Practicality.
5 - Change.
6 - Order.
7 - The Mystical.
8 - Contradictions.
9 - The Divine.

Each number can also be associated with a letter:

1 - A, J, S.
2 - B, K, T.
3 - C, L, U.
4 - D, M. V.
5 - E, N, W.
6 - F, O, X.
7 - G, P, Y.
8 - H, Q, Z.
9 - I, R.

This enables words or whole sentences to be reduced to a single number by adding the numbers together until you get a single digit:

5 3 4 5 9 6 3 6 7 7

5+3+4+5+9+6+3+6+7+7=55, 5+5=10, 1+0=1.

It can be fun to use find the number of your name, or other people's names.

Saturday 22 August 2009

Some amazing facts about the number 23

  • Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to the DNA of a child.
  • "W" is the 23rd letter of the Latin alphabet. It has two points down and three points up.
  • Charles Darwin's Origin of Species was published in 1859 - 1+8+5+9 = 23.
  • It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate throughout the entire body.
  • Earth's axis is off by 23.5 degrees.
  • The date the Twin Towers were hit is 9/11/2001, 9+11+2+1=23.
  • Two divided by three makes 0.666.
  • The Hiroshima bomb was dropped at 8.15am - 8+15= 23.
  • The first morse code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23. In telegraphers code 23 means "break the line".
  • The average human physical biorhythm is 23 days.
  • The date that the Titanic sank was 4/15/1912, 4+1+5+1+9+1+2=23.
  • The 23rd letter of the English alphabet is W. On a QWERTY keyboard, W lies directly below the two and three.
  • December 23, 2012 is the day the classic Mayans said the world would end.
  • Five (2+3) is an immensely significant number in all ancient and some modern rites and rituals.

Saturday 15 August 2009

The Truth?

What's the connection?

Every Royal Family.
The Aristocracy.
Every president of the United States.
All religions.
All Satanism.
Every wars.
The United Nations.
The Bank of England.

Reptilian, shape-shifting, blood-drinking aliens.

According to David Icke anyway.

Unfortunately spreading conspiracy theories isn't all he does. His latest theory is that the Swine Flu vaccine was created by the CIA and is deadly.

Saturday 8 August 2009

The Mysterious World

Alerion - A bird the color of fire, with razor-sharp wings
Amphisbaena - A serpent with two heads, one at either end
Ant-lion - The offspring of an ant and a lion, or the lion of ants
Basilisk - Its odor, voice and even look can kill
Bonnacon - A beast like a bull, that uses its dung as a weapon
Caladrius - A bird which can tell if a sick man will die, and can cure disease
Catoblepas - A beast with a head so heavy it can only look down
Centaur - A beast part man and part horse
Cerastes - An exceptionally flexible serpent with horns
Cinnamologus - An Arabian bird that makes its nest from the fruits of the cinnamon tree
Dipsa - A snake so poisionous that its bite kills before it is felt
Dragon - The greatest of all serpents on earth
Echeneis - This fish clings to ships and holds them back
Fire stones - Stones that burst into flames when brought close together
Griffin - A beast with the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle
He-goat - A beast so hot that its blood dissolves diamond
Hercinia - A bird with brightly glowing feathers
Hydros - A water snake that makes those bitten swell up
Leontophone - A small beast that is deadly to lions
Leucrota - A composite beast with a mouth that stretches from ear to ear
Mandrake - A plant with human-shaped roots, that shrieks when it is pulled from the earth
Manticore - A composite beast with a man's face, a lion's body, and the stinger of a scorpion
Mermaid - A creature half human, half fish
Monocerus - A fierce beast with a single long horn
Muscaliet - A beast with the body of a hare, tail of a squirrel, teeth of a boar
Onager - A wild ass that can predict the coming of the equinox
Onocentaur - A beast with the upper body of a man and the lower body of an ass
Orphan Bird - The mother bird knows which of her eggs contain the best offspring
Parandrus - A beast that can conceal itself by changing its appearance
Peridexion tree - A tree in India that attracts doves and repells dragons
Phoenix - A bird that rises anew from the ashes of its funeral pyre
Salamander - Salamanders are so cold they can extinguish any fire
Scitalis - A serpent with such a marvelous appearance that it stuns the viewer
Sea-pig - Sea-pigs dig up the ground under water
Seps - The poison of the seps consumes both body and bones
Siren - A deadly creature, half human, half bird or fish
Unicorn - The unicorn is a fierce beast that can only be captured by a maiden
Wether - The wether is named from the worms in its head.

See also: Bestiary,