Saturday 11 April 2009

Divining you Future by Numbeology.

Step One. Take the date you want to analyse: 17/11/08
Step Two. Add the numbers together: 1+7+1+1+0+8=18
Step Three. Add the numbers of the result together: 1+8=9. (If necessary continue Step Three until a single figure is achieved.)
Step Four. Refer to the number chart below.

1.You are refused a loan, become a devout Buddhist and subsequently die of malnutrition under a bo tree.
2.You fall through a wormhole and emerge on a small planet in an adjacent universe where you are worshipped as a god.
3. A goatherd in Gondwanaland sees your face in a dream and gives up eating cheese before going to bed.
4. You discover the secret of time travel.
5. You develop an eating disorder, grow another head and appear as a contestant on Big Brother.
6. You encounter a rain of shrimps.
7. You fall off the edge of the world.
8. You discover the lost city of Atlantis.
9. A close friend suggests an interesting diversion with a falabella, a marigold and an ounce of snuff. You refuse.
10. You are abducted by aliens, but have no recollection afterwards.

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