Acultomancy: Predicting the future using needles.
Aeromancy: Predicting the future using atmospheric conditions
Ailuromancy/Aeluromancy:: Predicting the future using cats
Alectormancy/Alectromancy: Predicting the future by rooster sacrifice
Aleuromancy: Predicting the future by using flour
Alomancy/Halomancy: Predicting the future using by using salt
Alphitomancy: Predicting the future using barley
Alveromancy: Predicting the future by using sounds
Ambulomancy: Predicting the future by walking
Amniomancy: Predicting the future by afterbirth
Anemoscopy: Predicting the future by wind
Anthomancy: Predicting the future by using flowers
Anthropomancy: Predicting the future by human sacrifice
Anthracomancy: Predicting the future by burning coals
Arithmancy/Arithmomancy: Predicting the future by using numbers
Armomancy: Predicting the future by using one's own shoulders
Aspidomancy: Predicting the future using a drawn circle
Astrology/Astromancy: Predicting the future by using celestial bodies
Austromancy: Predicting the future by using the wind
Axiomancy/Axinomancy: Predicting the future by using axes
Batraquomancy: Predicting the future by using frogs
Belomancy/Bolomancy: Predicting the future by by arrows
Bibliomancy: Predicting the future by using the Bible (Or any book)
Botanomancy: Predicting the future by by burning sage or figs
Brontomancy: Predicting the future using thunder
Capnomancy: Predicting the future by using smoke
Carromancy: Predicting the future by by melting wax
Causimomancy/Causimancy: Predicting the future by burning
Ceneromancy: Predicting the future by using ashes
Cephalomancy/Cephalonomancy/Cephaleonomancy: Predicting the future by skulls
Ceraunoscopy: Predicting the future by using thunder and lightning
Ceromancy/Ceroscopy: Predicting the future by dripping wax in water
Chaomancy: Predicting the future by using aerial visions
Chartomancy: Predicting the future by things on paper
Cartomancy: Predicting the future by using cards
Cheiromancy/Chiromancy (also palmistry): Predicting the future by palms (Greek kheir, hand + manteia, prophecy)
Cheirognomy/Chirognomy: Predicting the future by hands (Greek kheir, hand + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
Chronomancy: Predicting the future by apt occasion (Greek khronos, time + manteia, prophecy)
Cledonomancy: Predicting the future by chance events or overheard words
Cleidomancy/Clidomancy: Predicting the future by keys
Cleromancy: Predicting the future by casting (Greek klēros, lot + manteia, prophecy)
Astragalomancy (also cubomancy): Predicting the future by dice (Greek astragalos, vertebra + manteia, prophecy)
Domino divination: Predicting the future by dominoes
Favomancy: Predicting the future by beans (Latin faba, bean + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Ogham casting: Predicting the future by Ogham letters
Runecasting/Runic divination: Predicting the future by runes
Cometomancy: Predicting the future by comet tails (Greek komētēs, comet + manteia, prophecy)
Conchomancy: Predicting the future by shells (Greek konkhē, mussel + manteia, prophecy)
Coscinomancy: Predicting the future by hanging sieves
Critomancy/Crithomancy: Predicting the future by barley cakes
Cromniomancy/Cromnyomancy: Predicting the future by onion sprouts
Cybermancy: Predicting the future by computer oracles (English cyber(netics) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Cyclomancy: Predicting the future by wheels (Greek kuklos, circle + manteia, prophecy)
Dactyliomancy: Predicting the future by finger rings
Dactylomancy: Predicting the future by means of finger movements (Greek daktulos, finger + manteia, prophecy)
Daphnomancy: Predicting the future by burning laurel wreaths (Greek daphnē, laurel + manteia, prophecy)
Demonomancy: Predicting the future by demons (Greek daimōn, divine power + manteia, prophecy)
Dōbutsu uranai: Predicting the future by animal horoscope
Dririmancy: Predicting the future by dripping blood
Empyromancy: Predicting the future by burning (Greek empurios, fiery + manteia, prophecy)
Enochian chess: Predicting the future by playing a four-handed variant of the game
Eromancy: Predicting the future by water vessels
Extispicy/Extispication: Predicting the future from the remains of sacrificed animals
Floriography/Floromancy: Predicting the future by flowers' feelings (Latin flōs [flōr-], flower + Greek -graphiā, representation)
Fractomancy: Predicting the future by fractals (English fract(al) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Gastromancy²: Predicting the future by gutteral sounds (Greek gastēr, belly + manteia, prophecy)
Geomancy: Predicting the future by earth (Greek gē, earth + manteia, prophecy)
Geloscopy: Predicting the future by laughter
Grammomancy: Predicting the future by writing individual letters (Greek gramma, letter + manteia, prophecy)
Graphology (also graptomancy): Predicting the future by studying handwriting (Greek graphē, writing + -logiā, study)
Gyromancy: Predicting the future by dizziness (Greek gūros, spiral + manteia, prophecy)
Hematomancy: Predicting the future by blood (Greek haima [haimat-], blood + manteia, prophecy)
Hepatoscopy/Hepatomancy (also haruspicy, haruspication): Predicting the future by liver (Greek hēpar [hēpat-], liver + -skopiā, observation)
Hieromancy: Predicting the future by studying sacrifices (Greek hieros, holy + manteia, prophecy)
Horoscopy: Predicting the future by horoscope (Greek hōrā, season + -skopiā, observation)
Hypnomancy: Predicting the future by sleep (Greek hupnos, sleep + manteia, prophecy)
Ichnomancy: Predicting the future by footprints (Greek ikhnos, track + manteia, prophecy)
Iconomancy: Predicting the future by icons (Greek eikōn, image + manteia, prophecy)
Idolomancy: Predicting the future by idols (Greek eidōlon, phantom + manteia, prophecy)
Ifa: Predicting the future by palm nuts
Knissomancy: Predicting the future by incense
Labiomancy: Predicting the future by lips (Greek labium, lip + manteia, prophecy)
Lampadomancy: Predicting the future by flame (Greek lampas [lampad-], light + manteia, prophecy)
Lecanomancy: Predicting the future by a basin of water
Libanomancy: Predicting the future by smoke from incense
Literomancy: Predicting the future by a letter in a written language (Latin lītera, letter + manteia, prophecy)
Lithomancy: Predicting the future by precious stones (Greek lithos, stone + manteia, prophecy)
Logarithmancy: Predicting the future by algorithms (English algorith(m) [influenced by logarithm] + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Logomancy: Predicting the future by words (Greek logos, word + manteia, prophecy)
Macromancy: Predicting the future by large objects (Greek makros, large + manteia, prophecy)
Maculomancy: Predicting the future by spots on the skin (Latin macula, spot + manteia, prophecy)
Mahjong divination: Predicting the future by Mahjong tiles
Margaritomancy: Predicting the future by bouncing pearls (Greek margarītēs, pearl + manteia, prophecy)
Mathemancy: Predicting the future by mathematics (English mathe(matics) + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Mazomancy: Predicting the future by nursing (Greek mazos, breast + manteia, prophecy)
Meconomancy: Predicting the future by sleeping
Megapolisomancy: Predicting the future by large cities (English megalopolis + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Meteormancy: Predicting the future by meteors (English meteor + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Meteoromancy: Predicting the future by thunder and lightning (Greek meteōron, heavenly phenomenon + manteia, prophecy)
Metoposcopy/Metopomancy: Predicting the future by the lines of the forehead (Greek metōpon, forehead + -skopiā, observation)
Micromancy: Predicting the future by small objects (Greek mikros, small + manteia, prophecy)
Moleosophy: Predicting the future by blemishes (English mole + Greek sophiā, knowledge)
Molybdomancy: Predicting the future by molten metal (Greek molubdos, lead + manteia, prophecy)
Moromancy: Predicting the future by foolishness (Greek mōros, dull + manteia, prophecy)
Narcomancy: Predicting the future by sleep (Greek narkē, numbness + manteia, prophecy)
Necromancy¹: Predicting the future by speaking to the dead (from a confusion with the meaning of nigromancy and the spelling of necromancy²)
Necromancy²: Predicting the future by corpses (Greek nekros, corpse + manteia, prophecy)
Nigromancy: Predicting the future by black magic (Latin niger, black + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Necyomancy: Predicting the future by summoning Satan
Nephomancy: Predicting the future by clouds (Greek nephos, cloud + manteia, prophecy)
Numerology: Predicting the future by numbers (Latin numerus, number + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Oculomancy: Predicting the future by eyes (Latin oculus, eye + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Odontomancy: Predicting the future by teeth (Greek odous [odont-], tooth + manteia, prophecy)
Oinomancy/Oenomancy: Predicting the future by wine (Greek oinos, wine + manteia, prophecy)
Ololygmancy: Predicting the future by the howling of dogs
Omphalomancy: Predicting the future by navels (Greek omphalos, navel + manteia, prophecy)
Oneiromancy: Predicting the future by dreams (Greek oneiros, dream + manteia, prophecy)
Onomancy/Onomomancy/Nomancy: Predicting the future by letters in a name (Greek onoma, name + manteia, prophecy)
Onychomancy/Onymancy/Onimancy: Predicting the future by finger- and toenails (Greek onux [onukh-], nail + manteia, prophecy)
Oomancy/Ooscopy (also ovomancy): Predicting the future by eggs (Greek ōion, egg + manteia, prophecy)
Oryctomancy: Predicting the future by minerals (Greek oruktos, dug + manteia, prophecy)
Osteomancy: Predicting the future by bones (Greek osteon, bone + manteia, prophecy)
Ouija/Ouije: Predicting the future by ouija board (French oui, yes + German ja, yes)
Papyromancy: Predicting the future by folding paper, especially paper money (Greek papūros, papyrus paper + manteia, prophecy)
Pegomancy: Predicting the future by fountains
Pessomancy: Predicting the future by pebbles (Greek pessos, oval pebble + manteia, prophecy)
Phrenology: Predicting the future by the configuration of one's brain (Greek phrēn, mind + -logiā, study)
Phyllomancy: Predicting the future by leaves (Greek phullon, leaf + manteia, prophecy)
Sycomancy: Predicting the future by fig leaves
Tasseography/Tasseomancy: Predicting the future by tea leaves or coffee grounds
Physiognomy/Physiognomancy: Predicting the future by faces (Greek phusis, nature + -gnōmoniā, interpretation)
Plastromancy: Predicting the future by cracks formed by heat on a turtle's plastron (English plastron + manteia, prophecy)
Podomancy/Pedomancy: Predicting the future by the soles of one's feet (Greek pous [pod-], foot + manteia, prophecy)
Psephomancy: Predicting the future by lots or ballots (Greek psephos, pebble + manteia, prophecy)
Pyromancy/Pyroscopy: Predicting the future by fire (Greek pūr, fire + manteia, prophecy)
Retromancy: Predicting the future by looking over one's shoulder (Latin retrō, behind + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Rhabdomancy/Rabdomancy: Predicting the future by rods, sticks, or wands (Greek rhabdos, rod + manteia, prophecy)
Rhapsodomancy: Predicting the future by poetry (Greek rhapsōidiā, verse + manteia, prophecy)
Rumpology: Predicting the future by buttocks (English rump + Greek -logiā, study)
Scapulimancy/Scapulomancy (also spatulamancy): Predicting the future by bovine or caprid shoulder blades (Latin scapula, shoulder blade + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Scatomancy: Predicting the future by excrement (Greek skōr [skat-], excrement + manteia, prophecy)
Schematomancy: Predicting the future by the human form (Greek skhēma [skhēmat-], figure + manteia, prophecy)
Sciomancy¹ (also shadowmancy): Predicting the future by shadows (Greek skiā, shadow + manteia, prophecy)
Sciomancy²: Predicting the future by spirits (of the same origin as sciomancy¹)
Scrying: Predicting the future by gazing (shortened from descrying)
Crystal gazing: Predicting the future by reflective objects
Catoptromancy/Captromancy (also enoptromancy): Predicting the future by mirrors (Greek katoptron, mirror + manteia, prophecy)
Gastromancy¹ (also crystallomancy, spheromancy, crystal ball gazing): Predicting the future by crystal ball (Greek gastēr, belly [i.e., round object] + manteia, prophecy)
Hydromancy: Predicting the future by water (Greek hudōr, water + manteia, prophecy)
Selenomancy: Predicting the future by the moon (Greek selēnē, moon + manteia, prophecy)
Sideromancy: Predicting the future by burning straw with an iron (Greek sidēros, iron + manteia, prophecy)
Slinneanachd: Predicting the future by animal shoulderblades
Spasmatomancy: Predicting the future by convulsions (alteration of *spasmodomancy, from Greek spasmos [spasmōd-], spasm + manteia, prophecy)
Spatilomancy: Predicting the future by animal excrement
Spodomancy: Predicting the future by ashes (Greek spodos, wood ashes + manteia, prophecy)
Stercomancy: Predicting the future by seeds in bird excrement (Latin stercus, excrement + Greek manteia, prophecy)
Sternomancy: Predicting the future by ridges on the breastbone (Greek sternon, breastbone + manteia, prophecy)
Stichomancy: Predicting the future by using books or lines
Stigonomancy: Predicting the future by writing on bark
Stolisomancy: Predicting the future by fashion (Greek stolē [stolis-], garment + manteia, prophecy)
Tephramancy/Tephromancy: Predicting the future by cremation ashes (Greek tephrā, ash + manteia, prophecy)
Theomancy: Predicting the future by oracles (Greek theos, god + manteia, prophecy)
Theriomancy: (also apantomancy, zoomancy): Predicting the future by animal behavior (Greek thēr, wild animal + manteia, prophecy)
Alectryomancy/Alectoromancy: Predicting the future by rooster behavior
Augury: Predicting the future by bird formations (Latin augur, diviner)
Hippomancy: Predicting the future by horse behavior (Greek hippos, horse + manteia, prophecy)
Ichthyomancy: Predicting the future by fish behavior (Greek ikhthūs, fish + manteia, prophecy)
Myomancy: Predicting the future by rodent behavior (Greek mūs, mouse + manteia, prophecy)
Myrmomancy: Predicting the future by ant behavior (Greek murmēx, ant + manteia, prophecy)
Nggàm: Predicting the future by spider or crab behavior
Ophidiomancy/Ophiomancy: Predicting the future by snakes behavior (Greek ophis [ophid-], snake + manteia, prophecy)
Orniscopy/Ornithomancy: Predicting the future by bird migration (Greek ornīs [ornīth-], bird + -skopiā, observation)
Thumomancy: Predicting the future by one's own soul (Greek thūmos, soul + manteia, prophecy)
Tyromancy/Tiromancy: Predicting the future by cheese (Greek tūros, cheese + manteia, prophecy)
Topomancy: Predicting the future by geography and geological formations (Greek topos, place + manteia, prophecy)
Trochomancy: Predicting the future by wheel ruts (Greek trokhos, wheel + manteia, prophecy)
Typomancy: Predicting the future by curds
Uranomancy: Predicting the future by the sky (Greek ouranos, firmament + manteia, prophecy)
Uromancy/Urimancy: Predicting the future by urine (Greek ouron, urine + manteia, prophecy)
Xenomancy: Predicting the future by strangers (Greek xenos, stranger + manteia, prophecy)
Xylomancy: Predicting the future by burning wood (Greek xulon, wood + manteia, prophecy)
Zygomancy: Predicting the future by weights (Greek zugon, yoke, scale + manteia, prophecy)
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