Saturday 8 August 2009

The Mysterious World

Alerion - A bird the color of fire, with razor-sharp wings
Amphisbaena - A serpent with two heads, one at either end
Ant-lion - The offspring of an ant and a lion, or the lion of ants
Basilisk - Its odor, voice and even look can kill
Bonnacon - A beast like a bull, that uses its dung as a weapon
Caladrius - A bird which can tell if a sick man will die, and can cure disease
Catoblepas - A beast with a head so heavy it can only look down
Centaur - A beast part man and part horse
Cerastes - An exceptionally flexible serpent with horns
Cinnamologus - An Arabian bird that makes its nest from the fruits of the cinnamon tree
Dipsa - A snake so poisionous that its bite kills before it is felt
Dragon - The greatest of all serpents on earth
Echeneis - This fish clings to ships and holds them back
Fire stones - Stones that burst into flames when brought close together
Griffin - A beast with the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle
He-goat - A beast so hot that its blood dissolves diamond
Hercinia - A bird with brightly glowing feathers
Hydros - A water snake that makes those bitten swell up
Leontophone - A small beast that is deadly to lions
Leucrota - A composite beast with a mouth that stretches from ear to ear
Mandrake - A plant with human-shaped roots, that shrieks when it is pulled from the earth
Manticore - A composite beast with a man's face, a lion's body, and the stinger of a scorpion
Mermaid - A creature half human, half fish
Monocerus - A fierce beast with a single long horn
Muscaliet - A beast with the body of a hare, tail of a squirrel, teeth of a boar
Onager - A wild ass that can predict the coming of the equinox
Onocentaur - A beast with the upper body of a man and the lower body of an ass
Orphan Bird - The mother bird knows which of her eggs contain the best offspring
Parandrus - A beast that can conceal itself by changing its appearance
Peridexion tree - A tree in India that attracts doves and repells dragons
Phoenix - A bird that rises anew from the ashes of its funeral pyre
Salamander - Salamanders are so cold they can extinguish any fire
Scitalis - A serpent with such a marvelous appearance that it stuns the viewer
Sea-pig - Sea-pigs dig up the ground under water
Seps - The poison of the seps consumes both body and bones
Siren - A deadly creature, half human, half bird or fish
Unicorn - The unicorn is a fierce beast that can only be captured by a maiden
Wether - The wether is named from the worms in its head.

See also: Bestiary,

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