Saturday 6 June 2009

Archetypal End-user Agreement

Reading the end user agreements which appear when you download new programs is a long and arduous task which most people are too busy or eager to bother with. If you download programs and fail to read the end user agreements you may have the vague fear that you are missing something important. For your benefit here is a shortened version of every end user agreement which you will ever not read.

"Archetypal End-user Agreement.

This program comes 'as is' and with no warranty or guarantee of any kind. We will not be held responsible when if the program becomes inoperative or for any damage which will may be caused to your computer when if this happens. We also cannot be held responsible for any trauma caused when if your computer is damaged as a result of using this program.

By installing this program you agree to downloading a spyware and/or virus installer and having your inbox besieged by spam.

If you make copies of this program, even for backup purposes, big men with heavy sticks will come to your house, kill you, ravish your wife and sell your children for medical experiments.

Please press YES to accept or NO to decline."

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