Saturday 14 February 2009

New World Order and all that

Does a MASTER PLAN to rule the world exist?

YES! It has been known and published in various forms since the Bavarian government circulated their famous report on the activities and plans of a secret organization called the Illuminati in the 1780's. It has to have been generations old in planning. George Washington spoke of a secret society called the "Illuminati" and this is what he had to say about this invisible power behind the throne which seeks to over-throw all forms of government so that they might inherit the earth:

"Reverend Sir: It was not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am . . ." (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1941, Vol. 20)

In 1953 the California Senate Investigating Committee reported: "So-called modern Communism is apparently the same hypocritical and deadly conspiracy to destroy civilization that was founded by the secret order of the Illuminati in Bavaria on May 1, 1776, and that raised its hoary head in our colonies here as the critical period before the adoption of our Federal Constitution . . .

Since the official and highly organized founding of the Syndicate occurred in Europe in 1776, our isolated and founding nation was thus spared the main thrust of its tentacles until after our revolution occurred and our Constitution adopted."

Just three years after the Communists seized Russia, there was printed in the Illustrated Sunday Herald dated Feb. 8, 1920, the following statement by Winston Churchill about the Illuminati: "From the days of Sparticus - Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela-Kuhn, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman, this world-wide conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy for the French Revolution. It has been the main-spring of every subversive movement in the 19th Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire." (A. Ralph Epperson, "The New World Order")

In January 1789 the Marquis de Luchet, horrified by the impending onslaught by the Illuminati, published the following before the fall of the Bastile to warn the people:

"Deluded people; You must understand that there exists a conspiracy in favor of despotism and against liberty, incapacity against talent, of vice against virtue, of ignorance against light! It is formed in the depths of the most impenetrable darkness, a society is to rule the world, to appropriate the authority of sovereigns, to usurp their place . . . Every species of error which afflicts the earth, every half-baked idea, every invention serves to fit the doctrines of the Illuminati . . . I see that all great fundamentals which society has made good use of to retain the allegiance of man - such as religion and law - will be without power to destroy an organization which has made itself a cult, and put itself above all human legislation. Finally, I see the release of calamities who end will be lost in the night of ages, activities devours the entrails of the globe and escapes into the air with a violent and devastating explosion."

The founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt had this to say, "The most wonderful thing of all is that the distinguished Lutheran and Calvinist theologians who belong to our order really believe that they see in it the true and genuine sense of Christian religion. O mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe."

He went on to write, "The true purpose of the order was to rule the world. To achieve this it was necessary for the order to destroy all religions, overthrow all governments and abolish private property . . . The strength of our order lies in its concealment, let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation."

Caveat! - To be taken with a great deal of salt!

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