Monday 28 January 2008

...all in one basket.

So, you've got your touch screen, all singing - all dancing, envy inducing, super-duper, gotta have one, mobile phone. (There are a few now, apart from the popular one that starts with an 'i', or will be by the time you read this.)

It's great! It's got Youtube, it's got you Facebook account, it's got your e-mails, it's got your music, your photos, your appointments, your...

Then comes the fateful day... You're running a bath and you get an e-mail on your mobile. Your hands are soapy, and without thinking you get your mobile out of your pocket to get your e-mail and - SPLASH! - your mobile phone ends up in the soapy water. So you won't be listening to your music, looking at the Internet or getting your e-mails for a some time, at least not on your mobile.

Ok, perhaps that's an unrealistic scenario, but there are others... So, you get a text message one day, press the button for texts and your mobile crashes. You reset it and try again, and again, with the same result. So because one small part (or program) on your mobile doesn't work, you're going to be without all the other things it can do until you get it fixed.

Sometimes it doesn't pay to have all your eggs in one basket.

There's a golden rule here which seems more and more appropriate as we get deeper into the Internet, and technology in general:-

"Just because you want to, just because you can, doesn't mean you should."

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