Saturday, 30 January 2010

The Lost Symbol

So what can we say about Dan Brown's latest best-seller, "The Lost Symbol"?

It's readable, interesting in parts and... and...

...and what?

Whatever it had there was always something missing, the sense of wonder I got when I read, and re-read, The Da Vinci Code.

It is a pale shadow, a weak echo, of The Da Vinci Code. It had some nice moments but IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH MORE.

If you don't agree look here, here and here.

Saturday, 23 January 2010

The Pigpen Cypher

This is the Pigpen Cypher of "Freemason's Cypher" mentioned in Dan Brown's latest bestseller

More information on this can be found here.

It can't really be called a cypher any more as anyone who wants to can look for it on the Internet.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Saturday, 2 January 2010

How to say it without saying it

Instead of going to the lavatory you could...

Ride a pony and trap
Spend a penny
Do a number one/two
Have a BM
Take a whiz`z
Have a pit stop
Visit the chamber of commerce
Post a letter
Pay a visit
Drop the kids off at the pool
Shake hands with the vicar
Lay some cable
Go to your private office
Make a deposit
Shoot a lion
Find a haven of refuge
Spend a penny
Go to Egypt
Answer the call of nature (or nature's call)
See a man about a dog/horse
Relieve yourself
Drain the radiator
Lift the tail (For the horsey fraternity.)
Break the seal
Pay the water bill
Tap a kidney
Water my horse

And finally...

Log out!