Archaic words.
Abaft - Toward or at the stern of a ship; Further aft
Afore - Before
Agone - Ago
Alack - Expression of sorrow or regret
Alee - On or toward the lee
Alow - Below
Amain - To a high degree; Exceedingly; at full speed
An - If
Anent - About; concerning
Anon - At once; immediately
Aright - Right; Correctly
Aroint - Begone
Athwart - Across; In opposition to; Sideways; Transversely
Aught - Anything at all; Something
Avaunt - Away; Hence
Aye - Yes
Beforetime - Formerly
Belike - Most likely; Probably
Betimes - In short time; Speedily
Betwixt - Between
Certes - In truth; Certainly
Clepe - To name; To call
Eft - Again; Afterwards
Festoons - Soon after
Egad - Mild oath
Eke - In addition; Also; Likewise
End long - Lengthwise
Enow - Enough
Ere - Before
Erelong - Before long; Soon
Erewhile - Until now
Eyne - Eyes
Fain - Happy; Inclined; Pleased
Fie - Expression of disgust or disapproval
Forby - Past; Near
Fore - At an earlier time or period
Forsooth - In truth; Indeed
Forthwith - Immediately
Forward - Turned away; Self-willed; Unreasonable; Perverse; Adverse
Gadzooks - Mild oath
Gar - Mild oath
Gardyloo - Warning cry
Gramercy - Expression of gratitude or surprise
Hark - To pay close attention; To listen
Heretofore - Until now
Heyday - Expression of elation or wonder
Hight - Named; Called; To command or call
Hist - Expression used to attract attention
Hither - To this place
Howbeit - Although
Ifsoever - If ever
Ilke - Kind or nature
Inly - Inwardly; Thoroughly
Iwis - Surely; Certainly
Lackaday - Expression of regret or deprecation
Lief - Soon; Gladly marry; Expression of surprised agreement
Maugre - In spite of
Mayhap - Perhaps
Meet - Fitting; Proper
Meseems - It seems to me
Methinks - I believe; I think
Nary - Not a one; Not at all
Natheless - Nevertheless; Notwithstanding
Needs - Of necessity; Necessarily
Nigh - Nearly; Almost
Nowise - Not at all
Od - Mild oath
Or - Before
Parcel - Partly
Pardie - Mild oath; Certainly or truly
Parfay - By my faith; Verily
Peradventure - Perhaps; Possibly; By adventure; By chance
Prithee - Expression of wish or request
Puissant - Powerful; Mighty
Quotha - Expression of surprise or contempt
Rede - To counsel or advise
Ruth - Pity; Remorse; Sorrow
Semovedly - Separately
Siege - Seat or throne
Sith - Since
Somedeal - Somewhat
Some whither - To some place; Somewhere
Sooth - Truth; Reality; In truth
Soothfast - Truthful; Honest; Faithful
Smoothly - In truth; Truly
Speed - Prosperity; Success
Strait - Strict; Rigorous; Constricted
Sweven - Vision seen in sleep; A dream
Swink - To toil; To labour
Swith - Instantly; Quickly
Swoopstake - In an indiscriminate manner
Teen - Injury; Grief
Thereinto - Into that or it
Thereon - Thereupon
Therewith - Thereupon; Forthwith
Therewithal - Besides
Thither - To that place
Thole - To endure; To suffer
Thro - Through
Tother - The other
Twain - Two
Twixt - Between
Usward - Toward us
Verily - Truly; Certainly; Confidently
Wanion - Ill luck; Misfortune
Weed - Garment or outfit worn during mourning
Well away - Expression of sorrow or lamentation; Alas
Whenas - When
Whencesoever - From whatsoever place or source
Where against - Against which
Whereinsoever - In whatsoever respect or place
Whereinto - Into which; Into what
Whereof - Of what
Whereon - On what
Whereout - Out of which
Where through - Through which; Through the agency of
Whereuntil - To what
Wherewith - With what
Whatsoever - Every one that
Whilom - Formerly; Once; Former
Whither - To what place
Whithersoever - To any place whatsoever
Whitherward - Toward what or which place
Whosoever - Every one who
Wist - To know
Withal - Besides; Therewith; Nevertheless; With
Wood - Mad; Insane; Wild
Yare - Marked by quickness and agility; Nimble; Prepared; Easily handled
Yede - To go
Yoicks - Expression of surprise or excitement
Yon - Yonder; That over there; those; Over there
Yonside - On the farther side of
Zounds - Mild oath